Social Media Guidelines (SMG) BCM Academy® (2014-2015)

Source: BCM Academy

BCM Academy® (Group) is zich bewust van hoe online sociale platformen zoals blogs, wiki's, sociale netwerken en meerdere/overige sociale media, zowel binnen als buiten de Group Informatie overnemen en gebruiken.

De manier/wijze waarop  gecommuniceerd wordt en hoe gedagsregels daarbinnen opgevolgd wordt is onderdeel daarvan. BCM Academy® kan geen verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor ‘overname’ en mogelijk ‘misbruik’, maar heeft guide Lines van veiligheid voorzien.

On-line >Interface> BCM Academy® (NL)                                                                     

Online samenwerking stelt in staat om kennis en ideeën uit te wisselen, ongeacht positie, titel of ervaring.

Het is voor BCM Academy (Group) een wijze van vakmatig (expert) doel voor om initiatie en ontwikkeling van BCM (Business Continuity Management) Kennis en Innovatie resultaten beschikbaar te stellen en cliënten daarvan voor/van gebruik te voorzien. Juiste en effectieve inzet/bruikbaarheid staat centraal.

BCM Academy® betrekt een volstrekt onafhankelijke positie binnen partij(en), maar wenst wel te benadrukken dat Clientbelang Centraal is geplaatst, intellectuele eigendommen in welke vorm ook niet vervreembaar zijn.

Deze richtlijnen zijn ontwikkeld voor en binnen het werkveld van BCM Academy® Group en dienen te worden opgevolgd en bij te dragen aan online sociaal –Information- communicatie- platforms op het moment dat wordt verwezen naar of sprake is van een potentiële impact op BCM Academy®, cliënten of personen binnen bereik en verantwoordelijkheid in welke vorm ook uit te voeren.   

Voor alle BCM Academy® Group members (medewerkers/employees/partners) zijn de SMG Guide Lines actueel & Actief

Social Media Guide Lines (SMG BCM Academy®) As Stated in ENG. UK Version. Hieronder in het Engels weergegeven.

>Think<  before posting

Keep in mind that most online social computing platforms are like public marketplaces—what’s out there is available for all to see. On social platforms, the boundaries of professional and personal information are not always very clear. In these days of shifting privacy policies and powerful search engine indexing, you can’t always be sure what is being shared, viewed or archived. Note that what you publish online will be public for a very long time. What you post will reflect on you, so be consistent with the way you would wish to portray yourself to friends, family, colleagues and clients.

If you are unsure whether certain content is appropriate to share online, then don’t post it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


You are personally responsible for your words and actions, no matter where you are, even in the online world. Please remember that when you participate in social media, you are speaking as an individual and not on behalf of the Group. Identify yourself using the first person singular.

When you discuss BCM Academy® Group-related information online, be transparent by giving your name and role and mentioning that you work for the Group. If you have an individual site that refers to or has an impact on the Group, use a disclaimer such as “The views expressed on this site are my own and not those of BCM Academy.”

Where applicable law permits, know that the BCM Academy Group® reserves the right to monitor use of social platforms and take appropriate action to protect against misuse that may be harmful to the Group’s reputation.

Establishing a BCM Academy Group account or becoming an BCMA® Group representative that shares information about the Group and the areas we work in, requires approval from  BCM Academy® Group CEO > Country Specific<  . Only these accounts >representatives< may display the BCM Academy®  logo. If you would like to represent or create a >special< Group account, please contact  or BCM Academy Knowledge & Innovation office.

BCM Academy® Corporate team and  the press-teams including  online media contacts about online content concerning, actual/present/compelling cases/issues please refer them to.

Conduct key employees BCM Academy® (Internal/External Business Partners)

Your behaviour online should be consistent with Our Code of Business Ethics.

You have the opportunity to help shape the BCM Academy Group’s reputation online. Use your expert knowledge to enrich discussions, help solve problems, share the excitement of our work environment, and promote learning and idea-sharing.

Please bear in mind that the tone you use online can be interpreted in different ways by your readers, due to a lack of non-verbal communication or cultural differences. Some participants may not be familiar with abbreviations, emoticons and other common codes used in online communication. Remember also that comments are often taken out of context, so stick to the facts.

Trust is the key element in building relationships online. Build trust by keeping a respectful tone, even when disagreeing with others, and by responding to comments in a timely manner. If you realize that you’ve make a mistake, try to correct it promptly.

Do not engage in any conduct online that would not be acceptable in your workplace or that is unlawful. For example, do not make derogatory remarks, bully, intimidate, harass other users, use insults or post content that is hateful, slanderous, threatening, discriminating or pornographic.

Confidentiality BCM Academy®

Primary: Always protect clients’, the BCM Academy® Group’s, suppliers and ‘key partners’ confidential and other proprietary information. Don’t put anything online you wouldn’t share with a journalist, client, analyst or competitor.

Make sure any reference to clients, partners and suppliers does not violate any non-disclosure obligations. Please also remember your confidentiality obligations under your employment and/or agreement.

Don’t disclose information about colleagues or other persons, misuse their personal data, or publish their photos without their permission.

When the solution/application/Training/Leverage  is above-on-par-behind or in any form performed ( etc.), users should still use good judgment regarding information that could be of a sensitive nature. Don’t use social computing platforms to exchange information that is client, Group or supplier confidential, unless access is restricted to a tightly controlled closed community with each participant having been cleared for receipt of such information, and the platform has been cleared for appropriate security levels. Public sites are not appropriate sites for internal communication with other Group employees.


Comply with laws and regulations and more particularly with laws governing intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks.
You must not post content or take any action that violates the law or infringes (BCM Academy®)  Group or any third party’s intellectual property rights.

Final thoughts

Use of social computing platforms in accordance with this policy can be a very effective and powerful communication tool. Be proud of what you do and enjoy a sense of accomplishment in the search for better quality and greater efficiency. Above all, please use good judgment, be attentive to others and take the trouble to listen and be understood.

As stated.

BCM Academy® Group, January, 10-2014.

